I couldn't think of a more apt title than that. Family, does equal happiness to me. The reason I work for my self, ultimately is for my family. Not only to provide for them, but to limit the amount of time I'm in work so that I can spend quality time with them. Last night was awesome. My parent's, wife, sister and brother in law took some of the kiddies to Heysham Barrows. It's always been my favourite spot, since the 'days of old' when I was a child. Me and my best mate Danny would take to this place on our BMX's with a back pack full of jam butties and choc licko, but I digress.
I thought this would be just one of many opportunities to take my camera out, but I'm sure glad I did. It's been a while since we've actually all got together and had a bbq on the beach, you cannot beat it! As the sun was approaching 'golden hour', I grabbed some pics. The kids absolutely loved it. We sat and ate sandy sausages and chicken on a stick, laid on large picnic blankets drinking wine out the bottle. We talked about the good old days, how silly we were as children, the things that used to annoy the hell out of dad. The boxers wrestling in the sand, the kids crabbing in the rock pools, I was massively in my element. We deserved it. All day we had been cleaning my back garden with Mum and Dad. Never seen my Mum graft so hard! I even managed to fit in a business meeting and some videography with the Aurora team in lancaster! It was nice to get our feet up. The only thing missing was my little boy, who's at his mum's this week but I'm hoping to go camping with them all when I have him for a week in August, can't wait! Hope you guys like these images, and I hope you are all enjoying your week!